NCP1608BDR2G NCP1608B 1608B SOP-8 original
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NCP1608BDR2G NCP1608B 1608B SOP-8
Critical Conduction Mode
PFC Controller Utilizing a
Transconductance Error
The NCP1608 is an active power factor correction (PFC)
controller specifically designed for use as a pre−converter in ac−dc
adapters, electronic ballasts, and other medium power off−line
converters (typically up to 350 W). It uses critical conduction mode
(CrM) to ensure near unity power factor across a wide range of input
voltages and output power. The NCP1608 minimizes the number of
external components by integrating safety features, making it an
excellent choice for designing robust PFC stages. It is available in
a SOIC−8 package.
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