34A65 SOP-7 NCP1234 65R2G
برای تصویر بزرگتر کلیک نمایید |
NCP1234 Fixed Frequency Current Mode Controller for Flyback Converters
The NCP1234 is a new fixed−frequency current−mode controller featuring Dynamic Self−Supply (DSS). This device is pin−to−pin compatible with the previous NCP12xx families. The DSS function greatly simplifies the design of the auxiliary supply and the VCC capacitor by activating the internal startup current source to supply the controller during transients. Due to frequency foldback, the controller exhibits excellent efficiency in light load condition while still achieving very low standby power consumption. Internal frequency jittering, ramp compensation, and a versatile latch input make this controller an excellent candidate for converters where components cost is the key constraints. It features a timer−based fault detection that ensures the detection of overload independently of an auxiliary winding, and an adjustable compensation to help keep the maximum power independent of the input voltage. Finally, due to a careful design, the precision of critical parameters is well controlled over the entire temperature range (−40°C to +125°C)
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