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Three terminal IPDs of super power saving at standby
Three terminal IPDs of super power saving at standby respond to
worldwide inputs and realized higher efficiency than existing three
terminal IPDs (MIP2E*D series). The power consumption at
standby can be made into half at the maximum.
As replacement from existing IPDs is possible, more energy saving is
also possible without change of a substrate design.
These IPDs are optimum for the power supply to 60W class
Respond to worldwide inputs
* The power consumption at light load is cut down more.
50% reduction at the maximum than existing IPDs(MIP2E*Dseries)
(Less than 0.1W of power consumption is attained at standby.)
* Reducing external parts and high reliability are realized by buit-in
protection function.
* Soft start included
Adaptors, Power supply circuits
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